Bless You Abba Father for honoring Your Spiritual children... through making us... Your humble example whereby others who seek Your truth... may learn some of Your ways... whether from afar or near... as we stand with You as ONE by faith... through our unity with You through who we each are in and through Christ, our chosen Lord... brother... and eternal intimate companion. 

Bless You... for making us each humbly aware... the more we come to know through our intimate relationship with You... the more we come to recognize... we really do not yet know.... enabling us to let go ... and let You out of any box like... limited thinking we may have temporarily been bound through, in days gone by. 

May those of us who have gone before ... through Your sovereignty ... having been brought to a place of a deeper inner knowing and deeper understanding and ever increasing levels of spiritual maturity ... through the unveiling of Your spiritual knowledge and timing, experientially... stand with our brothers and sisters and their families and those You have called to walk along side ... as they too receive Your victory in their lives which it is time for them to embrace as their own ... May we in unison lift holy hands before You... May we love You and Your son, sons and daughters... with the wondrous praise and love You and You sweet, precious Jesus, so richly deserve. 

Thank You Abba... Dad... for manifesting and honoring Christ within us all ... through bringing each of us to this place in the Spirit, according to Your timing, and through Your eternal divine plan of crossing our paths. Thank You through Your sovereignty we need not stand alone before You in what seems to be dark moments... in the spirit. Bless You for Your awareness, we are not alone, and there is always order... in what seems to be chaos... because You are ever working all out for the good behind the scenes... even in what seems to be moments of silence.  Bless You for bringing an awareness of the death in that which can no longer serve... resurrecting that which lives eternally, and serves Your divine purposes for us all. 

Bless You... we are righteous... through faith in You and Your son ... You having established Your covenant with us ... a tried and true covenant, You alone initiate ... and daily unfold ... even as You develop the fruits of Your Spirit within us through our having chosen to put on the Spirit of Your resurrected Anointed One, our abiding Priest, Prophet, and King... manifest through the Holy Spirit within. Bless You for enabling us to chose to take off a corrupt nature.... an ego which only offers death and its ways... as we joyfully take up our cross through an intimate relationship with... through Your revelation of our... abiding within ... Jesus daily.... in both HIS death and HIS resurrection. Bless You for resurrecting us in and through Christ... in the spirit and as we walk in that which You have prepared for us since the foundations of the world. Bless You for such a gift as this!

Bless You for the awareness... without death to the old... corrupt nature and birth of the new... which brings an awareness of Your life within, there is no eternal life with You... without the cross... their can be no throne... and through our having chosen to die with Christ in the Spirit... we have been raised with HIM in a newness of life, making us new creations in and through Christ and are seated with HIM in the victory You offer and daily make manifest.... as we draw into You by faith... thus resisting the devil... who flees with an awareness he has indeed lost the battle for our souls. We love You for having given us the power to do so and can never thank You enough! Thank You sweet Jesus for dying in our stead... and giving us a new life in the spirit through who You are... in and through our heavenly father.


This Prayer and Meditation is a Chapter in the Free On-Line Spiritual Reality Book: A Journey in Time ~ Holy Spirit Inspired Prayers.  It is available as a Free On Line Download and in days to come will be available for sale in a Book Format, for those who prefer such.

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