Bless You sweet Jesus... for you have said (and revealed):


"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.  Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these shall he do; because i go to the Father.  Whatever you ask in My name (not as a magical word in your thinking but as ME through our union, having had the mind of Christ renew the spirit of your mind... having died daily to the flesh nature through your identification with Me at Calvary,  having become one with the Father as I am one with the Father, through His resurrection power, know those who saw Me saw my Father, recognizing the works I do... is the Father within Me doing these works), I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son"

May all come to know You Father.... and walk in Your works.
May You be glorified in and through Your Son... sons and daughters.
May all come to know Your Spirit intimately enabling You to reveal all which once was lost.... reconciling us unto YourSelf through love and grace.
May all sense and know Your Presence... Your voice... not simply by faith... but as a daily living  powerful reality.
May all easily enter into Your Presence and abide there... able to hear Your voice clearly.... without condemnation.... but with conviction as You convict by Your Presence and divine power ..... with hope as You develop  faith in  Who You are and Your goodness and that which You desire to reveal as each are able to receive.
May all have spiritual dreams and visions... and divine encounters... aware You talk with each however You choose and confirm however YOU choose.
May all understand with Your Spiritual understanding.
May all seek to love YOU first ...
May all seek You and Your Kingdom first ... aware Your blessings are an automatic outflow for those who abide with You there.
May all Be free of fear and the consequence of sin and death.
May all become one with those You are one with... in the Spirit and in truth having become one with You first..... recognizing You are uniting and establishing all through unconditional love and the power of Your Presence ... Kingdom within and in our mist.
May all be creative... filled with Your ideas and inspiration.... without depending upon a book of instruction, having become aware of You alive within empowering each according to the potential You have given and according to who You have created each to Be.
May all never walk in darkness or deception again... never deceiving another or themselves.... as all continue to walk into Your ever increasing light.
May all see the face of Jesus in all of your children through Your eyes.... the eyes of eternity.
May Your family Be ONE in Spirit and in truth.
May all love as You love through them.
May all recognized by loving another they are loving You in them and You are loving through them.
May all love YOU to life in another through the power of You and Your will .... made manifest within each. 
May all Be unconditional love and peace ... as You love through them and as all receive the peace Jesus left each according to Your plan for man.
May all Be reconciled.
May all You have united experience Your glory in their sexual union with their mate, feeling their Spirit flowing into their own... recognizing You are present within them both... through Your Spirit of  love and Your abiding Presence awakened within each.
May all walk in the sanctification and redemption, You have ordained... bringing their families with them by faith through the covenant You have made with each.
May all BEcome warriors of praise and peace.... receiving that which You offer with humility and Your power from within.... YOU having poured out Your Spirit on all flesh.
May Your Spirit of holiness convict all, of that which you have called to death... and empower each to let go... and receive that which You offer in exchange.
May Your conscience within all ... warn each strongly before any does anything which would have caused any of Your own to enter into trouble... long before remorse would have had a chance to set in.
May all walk in Your power to overcome.
May all be filled... in any vacant places with Your Spirit as You increase and each flesh nature deceases causing all to become new creations in and through Christ resurrected with, as YOU are glorified through Your Son.
May all never again feel alone or abandoned... aware You are with them always and in all their ways, having made all eternal spiritual beings through Your eternal Presence alive within.
May all be released from tormenting thoughts... which judge and condemn... leaving behind a sense of hopelessness.
May all think upon that which is lovely... pure... of truth... on that which is of a good report...
May all never walk in darkness again...  having been translated into Your Kingdom of light.
May all Be set free from lies through Your Spirit of truth.
May all walk in Your joy and peace, aware of Your abiding Presence and completed work.
May the power of the Spirit of the Lord Be upon all... anointing each to preach the good news to the poor, proclaiming release to the captives... imparting recovery of sight to the blind... setting those who are downtrodden free... proclaiming the favorable year of the Lord has come... restoring that which was once lost.... to those You send each.
May all freely receive and impart that which You offer... from this day forth as You glorify YOURSELF in ... through.... and among Your Own.

This Prayer and Meditation is a Chapter in the Free On-Line Spiritual Reality Book: A Journey in Time ~ Holy Spirit Inspired Prayers.  It is available as a Free On Line Download and in days to come will be available for sale in a Book Format, for those who prefer such.

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