'Meditating with my Fingertips'.

How do we capture life with words?

I watch.... hear about... or read about someone else's reality� and consider it from the perspective i have of the words which come across my mind, interpreted through the current experiences i have known....

I have those experiences with an awareness of Your Presence... of Your Voice.... Your Essence..... Your wisdom.... Your knowledge.... Your Holy Spirit within me....... which transforms me.... as You reveal Yourself to me, moment by moment....... my having asked You to do so..... upon hearing You say i could. 

I have not had other's experiences� nor they mine... although there are similarities through which we can identify.... In Essence... i can only imagine their lives and judge or observe them through my own experiences..... according to the conscience You are giving me.... in this life i find myself living. 

Life happens to us.... It seems to be.... we each find ourselves living it.... the best we can at the moment.... as You faithfully draw us.... revealing Your will... Your Spirit... Your Essence to us.

Yet� to live with an awareness of You... is to make judgments� to make choices� to find Your truths... to Be true to the truth You have made alive within me.... moment by moment.... as i discover i can trust in Who You are.... and who i am becoming through Your power awakened within.

I hate judging� I�d rather observe� and leave the judging to You God� for in judging.... i am judged as well. Only You truly know our heart� every perspective.... every detail.

Having heard a judgment against me� and for my sake. Having judged myself...... i have chosen to receive Your forgiveness� and unconditional love� to begin anew with Your Wisdom and Understanding� with an awareness of Your Essence..... Your Holy Spirit alive within granting me life anew.... freely offering that which i have been offered... to those who seek.

To begin again� with the Presence of God� aware of Your unconditional love.... what a gift You offer....

To Be awakened� to Your reality� Your love�. during this life time.... in my current level of existence and in that which is unfolding is a blessing i can never capture with words alone.

To know� You are both my Father and my Mother� all i need.... the creator of our family. You are my best friend� the healer of my wounded spirit� the lover of my soul� I am Your daughter� Your friend� Your constant companion... Your bride.

We have become one� in our thoughts�. We have become of the same mind.... You have given me the mind of Christ.... You have done this...

You speak Your heart to me� and I share mine with You. I hide nothing from You� nor You from me� although I have had to question and struggle� to find that which is mine.

I eagerly receive all which You promise� trusting in Your love�Your wisdom� Your awareness� Your eternal plan..... trusting You and Your goodness..... Your faithfulness.

There seems to be an enemy of my soul� a madness which has haunted me� and attempted to keep me from knowing Your truth� Your love.... from living the abundant life You offer so graciously.... It has attempted to keep me in illusions� yet, I have found I have learned even from the illusions and this too was a part of Your eternal plan.... which was accomplished on my behalf.... at the foundations of the world... when Jesus was slain that He might become the first born from the dead.

As You reveal Your truths to me... as I learn� lies are exposed� light comes in� darkness passes away. Your righteous judgments are revealed�Revelation overcomes� lies with truth!

Bless You... that You have caused me to rest in Your love� Your life within... leading... transforming... empowering... manifesting... enveloping... consuming that which is not love.... with the Holy fire of Your Essence.

I have faced fears� madness.... truth.... death.... and truth again.... I have found love waiting� each time I have.... enabling me to overcome through our union.

I have never been alone�.

I have discovered� I have nothing to fear� my life always work out for the good in the end with no condemnation� i am given hope in my new beginnings�. Always�. for You are constant.... and generous beyond measure.

I understand now... life for me.... has been about growing up spiritually by faith� and becoming aware of who You created me to Be... of becoming a new creation.... a spiritual being... who has evolved through embracing Your life within having died to that which separated us.

You have given me promises� telling me that which is necessary to know at the moment... to carry me and others forward with enthusiasms� and wonderment� by faith. I marvel at what I know, before it happens as i watch it unfold.... the reality of Your absoluteness in my life... within me... within others.... overwhelms me at times... and i have wondered about my sanity when i see through Your eternal eyes... but You quickly put my mind at ease transforming me even further... through another level of consciousness of You and Who You are... what You have done... and that which is to come.

I am blessed and at peace with the knowledge You have given me.... with the life i have received by faith... and am yet to experience as an eternal spiritual Being with You and others You have called to walk along side.

I have seen You� face to face� I have not hid myself� nor have You hid from me� You are my constant companion� the love of my life...

As Your companion... i ask of You.... that which i believe You have promised me.... acknowledging Your power to bring it into being.... with a grateful heart, "May those who are called and those who are chosen.... come to know of Your immeasurable love... and offer it back to You... through Christ... the first born from the dead... birthing forth those who are begotten of God.... that You may Be blessed through us, Your offspring.... during my lifetime... that we may see and experience the coming together of Your body.... You being our life source.... as Your Kingdom comes on earth as it already exists in Your Presence... which is in our midst even now... for nothing exists without You... and all exists for You... and shall be returned to You... that You might be glorified through Your creation."

I will never have enough words to express my love for You� in my attempts to capture our life together with words... but i thank You for that which i do have...

May my life and those who are called and chosen.... those who choose life... and it more abundantly.... in and through their union with You... glorify You... eternally according to Your will.... and eternal plan. 

A listening heart....



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