As I was praying and waiting upon the Spirit of God to show me what to write next, I heard a message stirring in my Spirit, and sensed this was for everyone, not just myself:
Wisdom from Above
`Remember from whence you
came... pure love sought you out... pure
love gave you life... pure love seeks to love... pure love seeks not
its own ... pure love gives of ItSelf... for the best of the whole.
I Am the Spirit of pure love. Receive My love... Yield to My love...
Be motivated by My love. Allow My love to freely flow through
you.... having freely received through My grace. Walk in the Spirit
of My love... and truth. Think love. Be love.
The law of love was created to rule My creation. Embrace the law of
love as your own... receive its benefits.... share its blessings.
Embrace My love... as the law of your Spirit... as the law of life.
Through the law of love... one reaps what is sown... sow love. Love
as you would be loved. Receive love as you would have your love
received. Do all� through a regenerated heart� a renewed Spirit...
My Spirit alive within you. Forgiveness, purity, inner peace,
wholeness with abiding joy is yours to embrace. Mercy and grace are
yours to offer.... through love made alive within... and in your
Be love... Be peace... Be reconciled...
Come to Me for love.... with love... as love... through the love,
holiness, and power I offer each of you... made known through My Son
Jesus, The Christ, Redeemer of all � uniting through love. Let us
sow together My pure love with peace... that we may harvest seeds of
pure love... as One�. through the uniting of our hearts.
Receive ... harvest... fresh seeds of love. Let us give as One...
motivated by My pure love and eternal truth.
Through the law of love ... love is returned.... having been offered
and received.
It is written: Jesus' Disciples of love will be known through Your
love One for Another ... as All become One.... manifesting the works
of My love.
I created the earth and all it contains through love. All in
interconnected and kept alive by love. Love is eternal. I redeem
all... through ... as love.
I have given each dominion. I have placed all within your care... to
govern with spiritual insight ... as One with Me ... serving as Love
with Wisdom and Truth.
The earth groans and travails for the manifestations of My mature
Sons and Daughters... Who are conformed to the image of My Son�
having dominion, through shared authority, as co-creators through
love and truth.
The earth seeks balance... wholeness... to rest in My redemptive
Seek balance... seek wholeness... seek to rest in My love... to rest
in what is best for All of My creation. Recognize Your Oneness to
All of Life�. Beginning with Me� I Am � Who is I Am.
Don't miss the mark. Receive My redemptive work as Your own. Be
reconciled. Be pure. Be perfect. Be righteous. Be empowered. Be
Arise� Come up higher� Transcend.
Live that which you know to be My truth....with a listening heart.
Allow our hearts to become One.
Be love... Be peace... Be generous with your portion .. joy with an
abundant life for All, will follow.'
Please note: As I wait upon The Spirit of God to show me what He would have me write down next, I publish the Messages which I believe are for the benefit of others as well, please read them with this in mind. Please keep in mind as well, if it's a Prophetic Message, Prophecy does not always come into being immediately and in the finite image we imagine. It is given in a symbolic spiritual language which must be spiritually discerned. When it does come to pass, our spirit will give witness to it's unfolding, gradual or immediate....
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